Wednesday, December 15, 2010

"Jurors Convict Juvenile in Chicago Teen's Beating Death"

On Semptember 24, 2009, 16 year old Albert was killed when he got caught in the middle of a fight between two factions of students from Christian Fenger Academy High School. The two factions were said to have been fighting about an earlier gang-related shooting. "Albert was approached by two members of one faction and struck in the head with a long portion of a wooden railroad tie, then punched in the face." A 15 year old student was convicted in the beating death of Albert. A video of the fight showed the 15 year old was the one who punched Albert. This punch caused some of Albert's brain trauma of which he died, but the 15 year old's punch was not the blow that killed Albert. The 15 year old was the first of five defendants charged for Albert's death, and was the only one tried as a minor. Because of Albert's death, President Obama sent the Education Secretary and Attorney General to Chicago to speak with schools, and the community about school violence.
It's very sad to hear of these situations, but I guess we could think of it in a different way; because Albert was killed, President Obama stepped up to the plate and increased speakers on school violence. Then, because of the speeches, it is possible that other students' lives could be saved. So while a death did occur, it may have inspired actions to prevent more in the future. This situation (of gangs and fighting and shooting) has always scared me. Living in a gang free town (as far as I'm aware anyway) I don't really have to experience this type of situation (thankfully), but hearing stories on the news and watching movies, etc. I get the picture. It was from those stories and movies that my fears developed. Most people don't like that they have fears, however I'm glad for this one, I would rather be scared than be oblivious. My prayers go out to Albert's family and all those who are living in threatening and/or gang related environments.

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