Passengers aboard a Carnival Cruise Lines ship were given an unexpected adventure on their trip. They left on Sunday, and Monday morning at 6 am, things went downhill when a fire in occurred in the ship's engine room leaving them with no electricity, and no engine. The 3,300 passengers arrived at port today, three days after the fire happened. They were left with no air conditioning, no working elevators, no lights in hallways or rooms, and no hot showers. They also had no flushing toilets for 12 hours. Food was another questioned item, however the USS Ronald Reagan stepped in and delivered water and food for all passengers. Passengers also complained of having to brush their teeth with bottled water and showering in the dark. Carnival has apologized multiple times; they helped to arrange flights and hotels for when they arrived back at port, they also promised to re-emburse all passengers for this cruise and offer them a free cruise to take at another time. The Carnival employees received extremely high reviews from many passengers who said they did the best they could in the situation they all were placed in.
Give me a break! Yes, I know that these people did not have the vacation they dreamed about: their vacations were ruined, but shouldn't they all be complaining less and thanking God that they are alive; that they were able to stop the fire before it got out of hand; that no one was even slightly injured from the fire? They are acting like it's a complete catastrophe that they didn't have electricity for three whole days, do they not realized that some people live EVERY day without electricity and that they have lived like that for months? And having to brush their teeth with bottled water... what's the big deal? I was in Mexico for 10 days and brushed my teeth twice a day with bottled water, it's not bad at all it's just like brushing your teeth at home, but you have to make the water "run." They also complain about showering in the dark... well at least they got to shower, it would have been much worse if they weren't even allowed to shower! And, yes, they didn't have the best meals, but consider this, they still got food whenever they were hungry. Think of all those people who don't have enough money to feed their families; those who only get one or two meals a week... yeah, now that spam and pop-tarts they ate are sounding pretty great. Oh and of course let's complain about not having air conditioning for three days, really people? I think these people are being drastically overdramatic and extremely selfish! Yeah, it may not have been the best vacation, but Carnival is giving them another one free, and they still had all of the money and luxury in their life to go on a vacation like that, not to mention now they will all be bragging about this and telling the story at every party. Maybe if they just stopped for a second and thought about how thousands of people live in worse conditions everyday then what they had to live in for a mere 3 days... maybe if they did that they could realize that there is so much more in our world than money, material possessions and complaints...
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